Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Now Available: CONSCIOUS SUMMARY - Desolate Configuration c30

The first run of "Desolate Configuration" has arrived and now up for order.

A collection of recordings and compositions made in 2010, the c30 delivers a surreal aural Venn diagram of subconscious folk melodies, harsh barrages of noise, massive walls of frequency drones and minimalist delicacy.

*Conscious Summary - Desolate Configuration 
C30 (cassette only) #CR01. $7 shipped in US


photography and cover design: Reverend Ben Mook
written and performed by conscious summary/samur khouja except:
Prescription: lullaby
vocals/violin by Amanda Frances Movlai.
Drive to Sleep
vocals by Amy Friebertshauser 
Saw is Bird
written by samur khouja and Amanda Francis Movlai
vocals/violin: Amanda Frances Movlai
percussion: Justin Loomis.
glockenspiel: Paul Olson
upright bass: Rusty Kennedy
Dead Bird
electronics/guitar: Neno Stevens
harpsichord: Paul Olson

Out now on Cassette Revival Records. Copyright 2011

Saturday, March 5, 2011

tracks posted from the upcoming 7"

here are the tracks for the upcoming 7" vinyl out this summer.

saw is bird by conscioussummary

Prescription: Lullaby by conscioussummary

The songs and videos will be released on 7" vinyl and matching DVD. Mastering by Noah Georgeson (Joanna Newsom, Devendra Banhart, The Strokes).

With Rob Sato will be doing a custom piece for the cover art.

There is going to be an accompanying dvd with videos and short films inspired by the music.

Saw is Bird has a killer video directed by Amanda Frances Movlai (Field Note Films). shot on vintage film stock with no digital effects used during editing.

We are doing a little experiment for Prescription: Lullaby. 

Check it out:

Download the RX PROJECT folder. Listen to the song and assemble the clips to make video. There are no rules or directions. The most creative video will be chosen and the artist will be given a free copy of the 7" and other goodies. 

Deadline is May 15th.

download the .zip file: