Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Now Available: CONSCIOUS SUMMARY - Desolate Configuration c30

The first run of "Desolate Configuration" has arrived and now up for order.

A collection of recordings and compositions made in 2010, the c30 delivers a surreal aural Venn diagram of subconscious folk melodies, harsh barrages of noise, massive walls of frequency drones and minimalist delicacy.

*Conscious Summary - Desolate Configuration 
C30 (cassette only) #CR01. $7 shipped in US


photography and cover design: Reverend Ben Mook
written and performed by conscious summary/samur khouja except:
Prescription: lullaby
vocals/violin by Amanda Frances Movlai.
Drive to Sleep
vocals by Amy Friebertshauser 
Saw is Bird
written by samur khouja and Amanda Francis Movlai
vocals/violin: Amanda Frances Movlai
percussion: Justin Loomis.
glockenspiel: Paul Olson
upright bass: Rusty Kennedy
Dead Bird
electronics/guitar: Neno Stevens
harpsichord: Paul Olson

Out now on Cassette Revival Records. Copyright 2011